A professional tribe of cybersecurity superheroes. Join Aphinia today (free) and get to:
Invitation-only community of CISOs
Cyber Security is a Team Sports!
1,500+ CISOs and other C-, VP- and Director-level information security executives.
1,500+ CISOs and other C-, VP- and Director-level information security executives.
Your membership in Aphinia gives you access to the following:
To summarize, as part of Aphinia, you are getting these benefits and more
You will get ongoing updates about new open job opportunities for cybersecurity executives
You will get exclusive access to top executive search firms focusing on placing CISOs and other cybersecurity executives
You will get career counseling in a group setting to help you succeed
You will network and engage with 1,500+ of your cybersecurity executive peers
You will get regular updates about industry events, appointments and promotions of your peers, and relevant news.
You will get a dedicated Slack channel for Aphinia community
You will get your own profile in Aphinia’s private membership website
You will get speaking opportunities in our CISO Interview series for building your personal brand on Aphinia’s Youtube channel, Aphinia’s Linkedin group and Aphinia’s podcast.
You will be invited to speak at, participate in and attend virtual and in-person roundtables, luncheons and dinners.
What's the catch? No catch. Membership in Aphinia is and forever will be free for qualified members. We only ask you to contribute 1 hour of your time a year (!). Other organizations charge $$$ for a fraction of what we offer. With Aphinia you get all of this for free. We only ask for 1 hour of your time a year. That’s all. Sign up today (you can always change your mind later)